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Aaron Well Servicing is locally owned and operated company in Weyburn Saskatchewan. AWS's President and General Manager is Aaron Cugnet, Vice President Wes Cugnet, Field Superintendent Shawn Nelson and Safety Coordinator Terra Hartley Ortman. 

The company was formed in July 2006, Rig 1 was built and working by April 2007. Rig 2 followed in April 2008, Rig 3 April 2009 and Rig 4 in December 2010. Then Rig 5 followed in May 2013 and Rig 6 May 2015.

AWS operates a fleet of four mobile freestanding double triple and two double double service rigs. We can perform production work, completions, workovers and abandonment's.

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Aaron Well Servicing has been COR Certified since 2011 and we continue to update and revise our current program.   Health and safety is an integral part of this organization's every day business. It is in the best interest of all to join together and put into practice health and safety principles in all work activities.

The Certificate of Recognition

(COR®) program is an occupational health and safety program designation verifying that a company has a fully-implemented health and safety management system that meets national standards.


Aaron Well Servicing is locally owned and operated company in Weyburn Saskatchewan. AWS's President and General Manager is Aaron Cugnet, Vice President Wes Cugnet, Field Superintendent Shawn Nelson, Clint Erickson Field Superintendent and Sales and Safety Coordinator, HSA Terra Hartley Ortman. 

The company was formed in July 2006, Rig 1 was built and working by April 2007. Rig 2 followed in April 2008, Rig 3 April 2009 and Rig 4 in December 2010. Then Rig 5 followed in May 2013 and Rig 6 May 2015.

AWS operates a fleet of four mobile freestanding double triple and two double double service rigs. We can perform production work, completions, workovers and abandonment's.

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Aaron Well Servicing has been COR Certified since 2011 and we continue to update and revise our current program.   Health and safety is an integral part of this organization's every day business. It is in the best interest of all to join together and put into practice health and safety principles in all work activities.

October 17-20, 2023 was our external COR Audit.  SCSA came out to do the Audit.  We had a great 3 days with them, being able to go over our programs, documentation and be able to observe and do interviews with our crew and management.  Friday at our close meeting we were told we scored 99%.  We couldn't be happier with our score an know that's because WE DO IT AS A TEAM


The Certificate of Recognition

(COR®) program is an occupational health and safety program designation verifying that a company has a fully-implemented health and safety management system that meets national standards.

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